Does gpu package in lammps 17Jun12 need Cuda Toolkit 3.2 ?


In the document of Lammps ver. 17Jun12, I noticed
the user-cuda package needed "Nvidia Cuda Toolkit
in version 3.2 or higher and the corresponding GPU
drivers". Now I want to ask is: does the packages
gpu need Nvidia Cuda Toolkit in version 3.2 or higher too?

Thank you!

Kai Wang


In the document of Lammps ver. 17Jun12, I noticed
the user-cuda package needed "Nvidia Cuda Toolkit
in version 3.2 or higher and the corresponding GPU
drivers". Now I want to ask is: does the packages
gpu need Nvidia Cuda Toolkit in version 3.2 or higher too?

there GPU package is supposed to work with older toolkits,
but a) i don't remember when this was last tested and b)
those toolkits require so many workarounds that upgrading
is highly recommended. cuda 4.x has been out for a very
long time and upgrading to 4.1 or 4.2 will be very beneficial.
