dump image command using Windows Executable version of LAMMPS

Dear users,

I have attempted to use the dump image command in the following syntax:

dump 3 all image 10 dump.*.jpg type type

It returned an error of:

ERROR: Invalid dump style

Is this due to the command being unavailable in the Windows Executable version of LAMMPS?

If this is so, in order to use the AtomEye visualizer, I would like to generate a proper .cfg file. Kindly advise whether the following syntax is appropriate for use, simply to see how the atoms move with time:

dump 2 all cfg 10 *.cfg id type xs ys zs vx vy vz
dump_modify 2 element Si O

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Yeo Jingjie
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dear users,

I have attempted to use the dump image command in the following syntax:

dump 3 all image 10 dump.*.jpg type type

It returned an error of:

ERROR: Invalid dump style

dump image in a fairly new feature and the windows binaries
are not always up-to-date. if you want the all the latest/greatest
features, you have to compile LAMMPS yourself.

the LAMMPS homepage lists with what version new features
were added to the sources and the LAMMPS executable prints
that version number as the first line of output.

Is this due to the command being unavailable in the Windows Executable
version of LAMMPS?


If this is so, in order to use the AtomEye visualizer, I would like to
generate a proper .cfg file. Kindly advise whether the following syntax is
appropriate for use, simply to see how the atoms move with time:

this is not how "the game" is played. what you have to do is documented
in detail in the manual and whether that works or not, is very easy to find out
(you just run your input). you are welcome to ask, if you see a discrepancy
between documentation and reality or believe that something is misleading
or plain wrong (remember to provide proof in those cases).
