dump independent files with running multiple simulations


If I run multiple simulations from one input file,here"multiple simulations"means a continue a previous simulation for more timesteps. My partial input as follow.I am wondering how I can save various dump files for each run.Further,is there any more efficient ways to set up multiple run instead of typing 100 “run 100” if I want to run 100 simulations continue a previous simulation.

"partial input"

dump 2 all custom 2 dump.2ns_4dt id type x y z vx vy vz

dum_modify 2 sort id

run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000
run 4000

Best Regards

Liyi Bai

Using ‘’label loop’ command you can run several ‘run 100’ without writing 100 ‘run 100’ command lines. In the loop, use some variable in the dump file name to have different dump file for each run.



Don't know if this helps, but here's a link to the docs describing
what Sanjib mentioned in more detail:
(if you scroll down, you will find some examples)

…and if you have a loop index already, you can reissue a dump command within the loop with a dump file name containing the loop index.