Dump JPG file

Dear users,
when I am using the command

“dump 2 all image 5000 dump.*.jpg type type”

to get JPG image , I am getting an error

“ERROR: Cannot dump JPG file”

Please suggest me to get rid of this
Thanks & Regards

Dear users,
when I am using the command

"dump 2 all image 5000 dump.*.jpg type type"

to get JPG image , I am getting an error

"ERROR: Cannot dump JPG file"

Please suggest me to get rid of this

*please* read the documentation before asking
questions. this is a problem that is easily solved
this way. jpeg support is only available if it is
compiled in. the compilation instructions explain how.


Could be this:

And I have to apologize to Axel, I forgot the bigger one,
documentation < mail archive < mail list.

Thanks Axel,

And I have to apologize to Axel, I forgot the bigger one,
documentation < mail archive < mail list.

no need to apologize. it is a good thing
that more people participate. it is a great
pleasure to see the number of "active
responders" on this mailing list increasing.

perhaps i should make it a rule to not
respond so quickly to not monopolize
the discussions too much and have more
room for others to respond. in part this
should already happen automatically
through my moving ahead 6 hours
in time... :wink:

in any case, keep up the good work!
your response was much better due
to including URLs and pointing out
multiple strategies to find help on
your own.


I would add the following to that step-wise list:

doc/Section_errors.html < documentation < mail archive < mail list

If you search that section of the manual for your error message,
you will find:

Cannot dump JPG file
LAMMPS was not built with the -DLAMMPS_JPEG switch in the Makefile.
