Dynamic group and fix wall region

Dear lammps-users,

in my opinion it would be a good idea to allow the fix wall/region command with dynamic groups which is yet not supported. This could prevent atoms from moving out of the integration domain when using variable regions as indicated in the manual for the quenching of a system.


Dear lammps-users,

in my opinion it would be a good idea to allow the fix wall/region command with dynamic groups which is yet not supported. This could prevent atoms from moving out of the integration domain when using variable regions as indicated in the manual for the quenching of a system.

enabling it is easy, just add:

dynamic_group_allow = 1;

to the constructor of the fix. the tricky part is testing and
verifying that it works correctly and produces meaningful physics.
with wall fixes, dynamic groups could quickly turn them into
projectile generators unless the dynamic group is updated in every
step or so.


Ah, I see! Thanks a lot, I will experiment a bit.
