erorr in running parallel


I ran my code in ubunto with single processor. I m try running with MPI , but it makes error:
(I used lammps Ubunto packages 14.04 and install it with recommended packages.)
root@…1531…:/# lammps -np 4 < inflexiblec.txt
ERROR: Invalid command-line argument (…/lammps.cpp:172)

How I can solve this problem?


Omid Barati


I ran my code in ubunto with single processor. I m try running with MPI ,
but it makes error:
(I used lammps Ubunto packages 14.04 and install it with recommended
[email protected]...:/# lammps -np 4 < inflexiblec.txt
ERROR: Invalid command-line argument (../lammps.cpp:172)

How I can solve this problem?

by reading and following the documentation.

also, you should never *ever* run a parallel application as root. or a
regular (non-system) application like LAMMPS for that matter.

-np 4 is an arg to MPI, e.g. mpirun.
It is not an arg to LAMMPS.
