Error:ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open MEAM potential file library.meam (../pair_meamc.cpp:332)

I tried using lammps for simulation of copper atom
My .in file portion for force field was as follows:

------------------------ FORCE FIELDS ------------------------------

pair_style meam
pair_coeff * * library.meam Cu Cu.meam Cu

I tried using lammps for simulation of copper atom
My .in file portion for force field was as follows:

------------------------ FORCE FIELDS ------------------------------

pair_style meam
pair_coeff * * library.meam Cu Cu.meam Cu

when i tried to run the code an error occured as below:
ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open MEAM potential file library.meam (…/pair_meamc.cpp:332).
When i checked the potential folder, Cu.meam was opened.

LAMMPS looks for potential files either in the current working directory of the running LAMMPS process or in the folder that is pointed to by the environment variable LAMMPS_POTENTIALS. if that environment variable does not point to the potentials folder in the LAMMPS distribution, then it will not be searched for potential files.


i forgot to mention, this is - of course - well documented in the LAMMPS manual in the documentation for the pair_coeff command.


Thanks, I’ll check it out.