Error for running the Ovito- Pro

" when I try to run the ovito-pro, I receive this error:
qt.qpa.plugin: From 6.5.0, xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 is needed to load the Qt xcb platform plugin.
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “/home/akram/anaconda3/envs/ovito-pro-env/plugins” even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: minimal, wayland, xcb.

Aborted (core dumped)"
I tried many methods to fix the error! I installed "libxcb-cursor, I create a new conda environment just for Ovito-pro and … but I can’t run!

Could you please run conda list and check if the xcb-util-cursor package is installed correctly? You should see something like this in the list:

xcb-util-cursor    conda-forge/linux-64::xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4-hd590300_1

Next, please check if you can successfully run the program qtdiag6, which is a utility that should already be installed in your environment as part of the qt6-main package. It tries to connect to the graphical desktop environment running on your machine to query diagnostic information.

You can additionally check if OVITO Basic from the conda-forge channel (not ours) shows the same problem or not:

$ conda create -n ovito_basic_env -c conda-forge ovito==3.10.5
$ conda activate ovito_basic_env
$ ovito