Sorry to bother,
When I excute TDDFT calculation with BSE-derived kernel, the ERROR occur in task 350 due to the large qpoint coordinates.
<xs xstype="TDDFT" ngridq="12 12 1" ngridk="12 12 1" vkloff="0.02 0.03 0.001" nempty="64" gqmax="2.0" broad="0.003" tevout="true">
<tddft fxctype="MB1" aresdf="false" aresfxc="false" intraband="true"/>
<energywindow intv="0.0 0.5" points="1000"/>
<screening screentype="full" nempty="100"/>
<BSE bsetype="singlet" nstlbse="17 21 1 5"/>
<qpoint>0.00 0.0 0.0</qpoint>
<qpoint>0.10 0.0 0.0</qpoint>
And the error disapear when I reduce coordinate of qpoint from 0.1 to 0.06 or smaller.
| EXCITING OXYGEN started for task idf (350) =
| Date (DD-MM-YYYY) : 03-03-2022 =
Exchange-correlation kernel type : 8
BSE kernel, A. Marini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 256402 (2003), including local field effects
Info(idf): inverse dielectric function finished for q - point: 1
Error(fxc_bse_ma03): LFE size of file too large
LFE size (file) : 109
LFE size (current) : 107
My question is: how to adjust parameters to fix the ’ LFE size of file’ problem when I want to set a more larger qpoint?