Error in log in with constant complete your registration pop-up


I am getting a message when I log in to my account “Complete your Materials Project Registration”. I am getting this message every time I go to a new page, even if I’ve already filled it out. I tried different methods and different emails and browsers to log in but it’s similar.


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Hi Morteza,

thank you for reporting this. Which browser are you using? If not Chrome, could you try Chrome and see if the error persists?


PS we were actually able to reproduce the issue and we think we’ve identified the source of the bug. We are working on shipping a fix asap. Thank you for your patience.

Looks like this is already figured out but I had this issue in Chrome and Edge.

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Thanks @lgordon. We have implemented a fix and are going through the motions to release it. I’ll add a comment here once the fix has been deployed. Just FYI, this issue only affects accounts newly registered since Monday.


I am also receiving this message and therefore I cannot use the website.


Same here :raised_hand:

@shakermorteza @lgordon @Eder_Carlos_da_Silva @Suyue_Yuan The issue with the registration popup should be fixed now. Please let us know if you’re still experiencing the issue.

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@tschaume Wonder! Thank you very much. Problem solved.

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Thank you!

Hi Patrik,

I was using different browsers (Edge, Chrome, etc.). Good news is that after your adjustment the problem is fixed.

Appreciate it!


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