error in reading lammps restart file

Dear all:

I output lammps restart file in the first run. Then in the second, I let the lammps read in the restart file. It showed me following error message:

LAMMPS (8 Jun 2011)
Scanning data file …
ERROR: Unknown identifier in data file: �?
mpiexec: Warning: task 0 exited with status 1.

I rerun the first step multiple times and I did not find out anything wrong. Could I know what is wrong with that? Thanks a lot.

Dear all:

I output lammps restart file in the first run. Then in the second, I let the
lammps read in the restart file. It showed me following error message:

LAMMPS (8 Jun 2011)
Scanning data file ...
ERROR: Unknown identifier in data file: �?
mpiexec: Warning: task 0 exited with status 1.

I rerun the first step multiple times and I did not find out anything
wrong. Could I know what is wrong with that? Thanks a lot.

lammps tells you what it wrong: there are crap
characters in your data file that should not be there.

are you trying to read a (binary) restart file with read_data
instead of read_restart??
