“ERROR : input file is empty”

Dear all,
I have successfully compiled GULP6.1.2 on the basis of Intel parallel_studio_xe_2019 update 4 (./mkgulp -m -c intel). A new gulp file has been created in “/home/gulp-6.1.2/Src/” and then was copied into bin folder. The environment variable (.bashrc) was set as follows:


export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/
alias gulp=‘/usr/local/bin/gulp’
But when run examples, I get the same output file indicating “ERROR : input file is empty”.

Env Info:
Single Host running UBUNTU18.04
Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update 4 for Linux
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04) 9.4.0

Location of Gulp:
$ which gulp

The entire contents of created example1.gou file:

  •     GENERAL UTILITY LATTICE PROGRAM                     *
  •                 Julian Gale                                *
  •        Curtin Institute for Computation                       *
  •      School of Molecular and Life Sciences                    *
  •      Curtin University, Western Australia                      *

  • Version = 6.1.2 * Last modified = 3rd November 2022 *

!! ERROR : input file is empty

Program terminated by processor 0 in getkeyword

Can you help me to find my mistake?
I would highly appreciate any help on this topic.

Best regards


Hi Wanlichuan,
You clearly have an executable as you are getting an error. What you didn’t mention is what you typed to run the examples since this is the key to understanding why there is no input reaching the executable. If you can provide this then it should be possible to see what you’re missing.

Hello, Julian

I have used two methods to run the examples:

  1. If in the “~/gulp-6.1.2/Examples” folder, the following code was used to run all of the examples:

(base) txj@ubuntu:~/gulp-6.1.2/Examples$ sh run.sh

Running examples: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7a…7b…8…9…10…






2)If copied the example1.gin into a new folder, for example, wanlichuan, the following code was used to run one example:

(base) txj@ubuntu:~/wanlichuan$ gulp < example1.gin > example1.gou

In both methods, all “example*.got” files are the same as posted before.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Best wishes


Hi Wanlichuan
It’s a bit of a mystery and without access to your computer it’s hard to figure out what is happening. All I can guess is that something is going wrong with the MPI implementation you are using that isn’t handling the fortran channels & I/O correctly. You could try things in serial first. The other option is run using the preferred form for parallel execution:

mpirun -np 2 gulp example1


gulp example1

in serial. This handles the I/O slightly differently and expects the input to be example1.gin and output will be written to example1.gout.

Another possibility is if you don’t have write permission to the directory you are running in (since the temporary parsing files for input can’t then be written and so would be empty). However I’d expect this to stop with a different error.

Hello, Julian

You are right. When running with your suggested code “gulp example1”, I have got the correct results. Three files (example1.gout & example1.mvn & example1.xr) were created as expected. I have attached them in this mail.

I will compile GULP again. Perhaps may trouble you again in the near future.

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes

example1.gout (19.7 KB)
example1.mvn (4.7 KB)
example1.xr (2.2 KB)