Dear all,
I attempted to conduct a simulation using the Si/C/Li reaxff force field. I directly downloaded the txt file provided by the author of the literature and used the following approach.
pair_style reaxff NULL lgvdw yes
pair_coeff * * LiSiC.reaxff Li Si C
fix 1 all qeq/reaxff 50 0.0 10.0 1.0e-4 reaxff
The error message is as follows:
ERROR on proc 0: Not a valid floating-point number: 'Si' (src/REAXFF/reaxff_ffield.cpp:584)
Last command: pair_coeff * * C.reaxff Li Si C
I would like to inquire about the reason for the error. The link to the original document is as follows.
Furthermore, this is not a parameter file compatible with lgvdw yes
It does not have enough data per atom for that. This is why LAMMPS is trying to read the next number in the per-element block, but that is then the “Si” element label starting the next block.
Finally, the last line is bogus, so the number of hydrogen bonds must be 0
Overall, considering these gross mistakes, I would not trust this parameter file or the corresponding publication at all.