Error message of the raaxff

Dear all,
I attempted to conduct a simulation using the Si/C/Li reaxff force field. I directly downloaded the txt file provided by the author of the literature and used the following approach.

pair_style reaxff NULL lgvdw yes
pair_coeff  * * LiSiC.reaxff Li Si C
fix 1 all qeq/reaxff 50 0.0 10.0 1.0e-4 reaxff

The error message is as follows:

ERROR on proc 0: Not a valid floating-point number: 'Si' (src/REAXFF/reaxff_ffield.cpp:584)
Last command: pair_coeff  * * C.reaxff Li Si C 

I would like to inquire about the reason for the error. The link to the original document is as follows.

LiSiC.reaxff (7.1 KB)

The force field name was incorrectly entered in the second codg(c.reaxff), please forgive my mistake :pray:

That ReaxFF force field file is bogus. It cannot work.

For example, it has

  7    ! Nr of atoms; cov.r; valency;a.m;Rvdw;Evdw;gammaEEM;cov.r2;#            
            cov r3;Elp;Heat inc.;n.u.;n.u.;n.u.;n.u.                            

But then there are only 3 entries following:

 Li   2.1097   1.0000   6.9410   2.1461   0.3726   0.8651  -0.1000   1.0000     
      9.0000   1.2063   1.0000   0.0000   0.0000  -6.2351  12.7757   0.0000     
     -1.0000   0.0000  37.5000   5.4409   6.9107   0.1973   0.8563   0.0000     
    -17.1659   2.2989   1.0338   1.0000   2.8103   1.3000   0.2000  13.0000     
 Si   2.0057   4.0000  28.0600   1.7098   0.2683   0.3041   1.2635   4.0000     
     12.5005   5.2054   4.0000  21.7115 139.9309   3.8858   5.3952   0.0000     
     -1.0000   0.0000 104.0000  11.7786  23.8188   0.8381   0.8563   0.0000     
     -2.5000   1.8326   1.0338   4.0000   2.5791   1.4000   0.2000  13.0000     
 C    1.4620   4.0000  12.0000   2.0931   0.2002   0.9751   1.2239   4.0000     
      9.0000   1.5000   4.0000  30.0000  79.5548   3.4759  13.2596   0.0000     
      1.1080   0.0000 181.0000  14.6589  24.4406   6.7313   0.8563   0.0000     
     -8.2623   5.0000   1.0564   4.0000   2.9663   1.0000   0.1000  10.0000

And this continues throughout the file.

Furthermore, this is not a parameter file compatible with lgvdw yes
It does not have enough data per atom for that. This is why LAMMPS is trying to read the next number in the per-element block, but that is then the “Si” element label starting the next block.

Finally, the last line is bogus, so the number of hydrogen bonds must be 0

Overall, considering these gross mistakes, I would not trust this parameter file or the corresponding publication at all.

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