my .gin file is starting with
"montecarlo bulk_noopt
11.54000 11.53000 11.54000 90.000000 90.000000 120.000000
temperature 300
#mcmove 0.0
mcswap only 1.0 1 Ni Mn
mctrial 100
mcsample 10 mc_traj_accepted_100_101
Na 1
Ni 2.09090909
Mn 4
O -2
buckingham grad
Na O 1271.504 0.3000 0.00 0.0 15.0 #ucl GULP library
Mn O 1397.63 0.3211 0.00 0.0 12.0
O O 22764.3 0.149 44.53 2.0 15.0
Ni O 1582.500 0.28820 0.00 0.0 12.0
dump every 1 example60.res
i found the output fill as
" Monte Carlo *
Number of trial MC steps = 100
Output frequency in steps = 100
Sample frequency in steps = 10
Probability of creation = 0.000000
Probability of destruction = 0.000000
Probability of translation = 0.500000
Probability of rotation = 0.000000
Probability of swap = 0.500000
Probability of strain = 0.000000
Maximum Cartesian shift = 0.050000 Angstroms
Maximum rotational shift = 180.000000 degrees
Maximum strain shift = 0.100000
Number of possible swaps = 1
Pairs for swap 1 = 1
File for MC samples = mc_traj_accepted_100_10.gmc
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
!! ERROR : no valid trial for current configuration
at the end in output file i am getting 3 trial structures. Can you help me to resolve the issue?