error of airebo

So I install the latest version to solve this problem?
Suppose I don’t update the version, how do I solve this problem?I checked the potential folder of LamMPS, which contains the file CH.airebo.
Thank you very much!





签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制

On 7/14/2020 21:07,15584345983<15584345983@…127…> wrote:

So I install the latest version to solve this problem?

no. you install the latest version to have a version without known issues in the implementation of the AIREBO potential.

Suppose I don’t update the version, how do I solve this problem?I checked the potential folder of LamMPS, which contains the file CH.airebo.

i already explained what the issue is, that implies the solution. having the file in the potential folder is not sufficient since you pair_coeff command does not use the pathname to that folder+file. please review the pair_coeff command documentation for details on how LAMMPS will find potential files.


So can I fix this error only if I install the latest version of LAMMPS?





签名由 网易邮箱大师 定制

On 7/14/2020 21:31,Axel Kohlmeyer<akohlmey@…24…> wrote:

no. please read the documentation and read my replies more carefully. i have nothing more to add to this.