error of floating point parameter when using fix addtorque command

Hi all

I encountered a problem when I tried to use the command fix addtorque to rotate two bodies (I have already installed the USER-MISC package). I received the error information “ERROR: Expected floating point parameter in input script or data file”.

I have referred to, but still have no clue.

Attached is my input file and data file, can any one give me some suggestions or feedback? I would really appreciate your kindly help.

Best regards

Yihua Zhou

data.nanoworm (1.34 MB)

in.nanoworm (5.93 KB)

Hi all

I encountered a problem when I tried to use the command fix addtorque to
rotate two bodies (I have already installed the USER-MISC package). I
received the error information "ERROR: Expected floating point parameter in
input script or data file".

I have referred to, but still
have no clue.

Attached is my input file and data file, can any one give me some
suggestions or feedback? I would really appreciate your kindly help.

sorry, but those inputs are useless since they are using non-standard styles.

Hi all

I encountered a problem when I tried to use the command fix addtorque to
rotate two bodies (I have already installed the USER-MISC package). I
received the error information "ERROR: Expected floating point parameter in
input script or data file".

I have referred to, but still
have no clue.

the answer is the same, you use NULL and that is not a floating point
number (0.0 is).
