ERROR on proc 0: cannot open eam/alloy potential file Al99.eam.alloy: No such file or directory (src/potential_file_reader.cpp:59) Last command: pair_coeff * * Al99.eam.alloy Al

Hello. I was trying out the beginners tutorial posted by Mississippi state university but I guess there is some issue in running the code.
ERROR on proc 0: cannot open eam/alloy potential file Al99.eam.alloy: No such file or directory (src/potential_file_reader.cpp:59)
Last command: pair_coeff * * Al99.eam.alloy Al
This is the error that I am getting.

LAMMPS cannot find that file, e.g. you may need to copy that file into your current working directory, or modify the path in the input to point to the file.