ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open file data.rigid (../read_data.cpp:1734)


I am using the lammps-daily compiled update on Ubuntu, and I have been having a problem using the read_data command. I checked the problem by running the example in.rigid and it gave me the following error. Do I need to re-compile lammps or should I download an executable? The files are still in their original directory.

lammps-daily <'/home/brian/Desktop/ME 8813/Lammps Ref/examples/rigid/in.rigid'
LAMMPS (28 Jul 2015)
WARNING: OMP_NUM_THREADS environment is not set. (../comm.cpp:89)
  using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
Reading data file ...
ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open file data.rigid (../read_data.cpp:1734)

The data file that is the same dir as in.rigid has to

be in the dir you are running from.
