error running example gcmc_co2

during compiling obtain this error

[root@…6889… src]# make g++_openmpi
/bin/sh: python-config: command not found
make[1]: Entering directory /opt/lammps-31Mar17/src/Obj_g++_openmpi' make[1]: Leaving directory /opt/lammps-31Mar17/src/Obj_g++_openmpi’
/bin/sh: python-config: command not found
make[1]: Entering directory /opt/lammps-31Mar17/src/Obj_g++_openmpi' mpicxx -g -O3 -DLAMMPS_GZIP -I../../lib/reax -DLMP_PYTHON -I../../lib/poems -I../../lib/mscg/includelink -DLMP_MPIIO -I../../lib/meam -DLMP_KOKKOS -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX -DOMPI_SKIP_MPICXX=1 -I./ -I../../lib/kokkos/core/src -I../../lib/kokkos/containers/src -I../../lib/kokkos/algorithms/src --std=c++11 -fopenmp -c ../angle_charmm.cpp cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11" make[1]: *** [angle_charmm.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory /opt/lammps-31Mar17/src/Obj_g++_openmpi’
make: *** [g++_openmpi] Error 2


If you include the KOKKOS package then you need to use a c++11 compatible compiler, i.e. gcc 4.7.2 or higher.



now I’m tring install lammps with g++ and openmpi

this is my makefile

compiler/linker settings

specify flags and libraries needed for your compiler

CC = g++
CCFLAGS = -g -O3

LINK = g++
SIZE = size

SHLIBFLAGS = -shared


LAMMPS-specific settings, all OPTIONAL

specify settings for LAMMPS features you will use

if you change any -D setting, do full re-compile after “make clean”

LAMMPS ifdef settings

see possible settings in Section 2.2 (step 4) of manual


MPI library

see discussion in Section 2.2 (step 5) of manual

MPI wrapper compiler/linker can provide this info

can point to dummy MPI library in src/STUBS as in Makefile.serial

use -D MPICH and OMPI settings in INC to avoid C++ lib conflicts

INC = path for mpi.h, MPI compiler settings

PATH = path for MPI library

LIB = name of MPI library

MPI_INC = -I/opt/openmpi-1.6.3/include -pthread
MPI_PATH = -L/opt/openmpi-1.6.3/lib
MPI_LIB = -lmpi

FFT library

see discussion in Section 2.2 (step 6) of manual

can be left blank to use provided KISS FFT library

INC = -DFFT setting, e.g. -DFFT_FFTW, FFT compiler settings

PATH = path for FFT library

LIB = name of FFT library

FFT_INC = -I/usr/local/fftw-3.3.6-pl2/include -DFFT_FFTW3
FFT_PATH = -L/usr/local/fftw-3.3.6-pl2/lib
FFT_LIB = -lfftw3f

Is there a reason you can’t just use the “mpicxx” wrapper instead of “g++”?