Error: Unknown Command

I built laamps with the python method and it produced an
executable called lmp_auto. I had to install the mpich package and add
-DLAMMPS_MEMALIGN to the ccflags before I built laamps with python

Version Date is Oct 30 2014 and OS is Linux Mint 17 XFCE 64bot

I downloaded these files sent by my instructor, edited the in.deposit
them so the # were removed before the dump commands.

Then I did the following and keep getting Error: Unknown Command.

I tried playing with other files in the laamps examples folder to
further diagnose the problem but they returned the same error. It
seems like any command that I put in is invalid

lmp_auto was built with no errors so not sure what the problem is

in.deposit (1.08 KB) (318 Bytes)

molecule.tensor (26 Bytes)

I built laamps with the python method and it produced an
executable called lmp_auto. I had to install the mpich package and add
-DLAMMPS_MEMALIGN to the ccflags before I built laamps with python

Version Date is Oct 30 2014 and OS is Linux Mint 17 XFCE 64bot

I downloaded these files sent by my instructor, edited the in.deposit
them so the # were removed before the dump commands.

Then I did the following and keep getting Error: Unknown Command.

I tried playing with other files in the laamps examples folder to
further diagnose the problem but they returned the same error. It
seems like any command that I put in is invalid

lmp_auto was built with no errors so not sure what the problem is

Neither will anybody here. You’re going to be better off asking your instructor for advice.

If you run with lmp_auto -echo screen, you
will see which command is “unknown”. It is

probably a command in a package, like fix deposit,
which means you didn’t install that optional package
before building LAMMPS.

See the command’s doc page for details.
