ERROR: Unknown identifier in data file: Atoms

Hi Users,
I have been getting this error message for a past two days. I’ve looked up for the same query sent by other people but are of not much help. I looked up in the LAMMPS manual which states that LAMMPS cannot read the part of the file and so throws this error.

Please find attached my lammps config file to be read using the read_data command.

Could somebody please help me with this…


LAMMPS log file with error (246 Bytes) (145 KB)

Hi Users,
I have been getting this error message for a past two days. I've looked up
for the same query sent by other people but are of not much help. I looked
up in the LAMMPS manual which states that LAMMPS cannot read the part of the
file and so throws this error.
Please find attached my lammps config file to be read using the read_data
Could somebody please help me with this..

yes. your problem is that you seem to be using windows to edit
text files and then inconsistently transfer them to a unix/linux machine.

#--------Reading Configuration----------

ERROR: Unknown identifier in data file: Atoms ^M^M1 1 -1.19402 -2.0681 3.6852

if you look at the error log, you should see the two reverse '^M' symbols.
those are giving you the trouble. those are produced by windows to mark
the end of a line (actually tell the printer head to go back to column 0).
windows needs that in combination with the end-of-line charackter '^J',
but unix/linux does not.

when transferring text files, make sure you transfer in text mode,
or use commands like unix2dos and dos2unix before moving between
