Dear LAMMPS users and developers,
I am trying to run barium titanate thin film using this core-shell interatomic potential:
The problem I ran into is that the thin film simulation crashes within a couple hundreds steps (Bond loss at the surface) using the ewald summation method, while it does not with the wolf summation method.
I have benchmarked the phase transition of the core-shell model with the bulk material and the phase transition was well reproduced. In this benchmark, the ewald summation was used to compute Coulombic interactions. I have tested the other bulk systems with the ewald summation and all showed stable energy profile.
The thin film system was created by adding vacuum along the z direction (following this paper: When testing with the ewald summation, the simulations crash within a couple hundreds steps with the error message (ERROR on proc 38: Bond atoms 7497 7498 missing on proc 38 at step 107 (…/ntopo_bond_all.cpp:63)). Visualization of the trajectories show that the core-shell bonds at the surface are broken off and ions are penetrating to the other ions’ sites.
When switching from the Ewald summation to the Wolf summation using the Wolf parameters from the papers (,, the simulations don’t crash and the energy profiles look very stable.
Ultimately, I would like to use the ewald summation or pppm method, so I would love to understand what I am doing wrong with the ewald summation.
If anyone could help me understand why this is the case, it would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
PS. I am using the LAMMPS 2019 version.
Here’s the input file:
------------------------ INITIALIZATION ----------------------------
units metal
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style full
----------------------- ATOM DEFINITION ----------------------------
read_data data.BTO_10_10_10
group cores type 1 2 3 #Ba Ti O
group shells type 4 5 6 #Ba Ti O
group Ba type 1
group Ti type 2
group O type 3
group Ba_s type 4
group Ti_s type 5
group O_s type 6
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes page 500000 one 50000
comm_modify vel yes # yes to communicate velocity info with ghost atoms
------------------------ FORCE FIELDS ------------------------------
K space: long-range Coulomb is computed in recipe. space
#kspace_style pppm 1.0e-6
kspace_style ewald 1.0e-6
Short-range interaction (Buckingham potential) only between shells of different atoms
Coulmb interaction between all cores and shells excpet the core and the shell in the same atom
#pair_style born/coul/wolf/cs 0.25 16.0 14.0
pair_style born/coul/long/cs 16.0 14.0
Born para:i j A_ij rho_ij sigma C_ij D_ij
pair_coeff * * 0.00 0.1000 0.00 0.00 0.00
pair_coeff 4 6 7149.81 0.3019 0.00 0.00 0.00 #Ba-O
pair_coeff 5 6 7200.27 0.2303 0.00 0.00 0.00 #Ti-O
pair_coeff 6 6 3719.60 0.3408 0.00 597.17 0.00 #O-O
pair_modify table 0
special_bonds coul 0.0 1.0 1.0
Core-shell bonds: k2r^2/2 + k4r^4/24
NOTE: values from reference paper must be rescaled to match
“class2” bond style, i.e. k2/2 and k4/24
bond_style class2 #r0, K2, K3, K4 for anharmonic spring
para: i r0 k2 k3 k4
bond_coeff 1 0.0 149.255 0.00 0.000 # Ba
bond_coeff 2 0.0 153.070 0.00 20.833 # Ti
bond_coeff 3 0.0 18.465 0.00 208.333 # O
------------------------ Equilibration Run -------------------------------
compute pe all pe/atom # potential energy
compute s all stress/atom NULL
compute u all displace/atom
compute CSequ all temp/cs cores shells
compute thermo_press_lmp all pressure thermo_temp
thermo_style custom step time temp press etotal pe vol lx ly lz press # print these very N step
thermo 1 # outptu thermodynamics every N steps
thermo_modify temp CSequ
dump dump1 all dcd 250 BTO.dcd
dump dump2 all atom 1 BTO.dump
velocity bias option
velocity all create 300 200 bias yes temp CSequ
velocity all scale 300 temp CSequ
timestep 0.0004 # 0.4 fs timestep
fix 1 all nvt temp 300 300 0.1
fix_modify 1 temp CSequ
------------------------ Dynamic Run -------------------------------
run 20000
undump dump1