Exciting DOS for gold does not match FHI-aims and VASP

Dear exciting developers,

I am trying to reproduce DOS for Gold using exciting. I transfered lattice constants to bohrs, set k-points identical in all three codes and use PBE everywhere. FHI-aims seem to pretty much coincide, however exciting DOS quite differs. The most surprising part is that DOS are quite alike for Silver in all the three codes. Please, find my graphs for silver and gold enclosed.
<?xml version=** "1.0" **encoding=** "UTF-8"**?>


<structure speciespath**=** “./”>
<crystal scale**=** “7.718”>
0.0 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.0 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.0

<species speciesfile**=“Au.xml”>**
<atom coord**=“0.00 0.00 0.00”/>**

rgkmax = “10”
gmaxvr = “40”
ngridk**=“41 41 41”
=** “0.00367493”

<dos nsmdos**=“0”
=**"-0.5 0.5" />


Hi Maria, could you also attach the INFO.OUT and species file please?

Unfortunately I cannot attach them directly as matsci prohibits me to do so,
but here are the links for google drive
for Au.xml: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g-CxB8vRHMIJfYEE1XGpulEqOPWjeBo5/view?usp=sharing
for input.xml: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pXkh95-PxjwnB7Uxl3tGybV2P5UCiR_a/view?usp=sharing

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <structure speciespath="./">
      <crystal scale="7.718">
         <basevect>0.0   0.5   0.5</basevect>
         <basevect>0.5   0.0   0.5</basevect>
         <basevect>0.5   0.5   0.0</basevect>
      <species speciesfile="Au.xml">
         <atom coord="0.00 0.00 0.00"/>
       rgkmax = "10"
       gmaxvr = "40"
       ngridk="41 41 41"
       swidth= "0.00367493"

	outputlevel = "normal"
	method = "bfgs">

      <dos nsmdos="0"
	winddos="-0.5 0.5" />


   <dielmat intraband="true"
	    swidth = "0.00367493">
      <epscomp>1 1</epscomp>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<spdb xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xml/species.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <sp chemicalSymbol="Au" name="gold" z="-79.0000" mass="359048.0559">
    <muffinTin rmin="0.100000E-04" radius="1.32281" rinf="21.6740" radialmeshPoints="450"/>
    <atomicState n="1" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="3" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="3" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="3" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="3" l="2" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="3" l="2" kappa="3" occ="6.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="2" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="2" kappa="3" occ="6.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="3" kappa="3" occ="6.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="4" l="3" kappa="4" occ="8.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="5" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
    <atomicState n="5" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="5" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="5" l="2" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="5" l="2" kappa="3" occ="6.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="6" l="0" kappa="1" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
      <default type="lapw" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="false"/>
      <custom l="0" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
      <custom l="1" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
      <custom l="2" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
      <custom l="3" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
      <lo l="1">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-2.6551" searchE="true"/>
      <lo l="3">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-3.0677" searchE="true"/>

No problem, you can post them as snippets (I just did). Can you also post the INFO.OUT so we can see what occurred during the ground state calculation?

Also, which version of exciting are you using?

Sorry, I don’t know what snippets are. I shall attach a link to google drive.

I am using Nitrogen-14.


| EXCITING NITROGEN-14 started                                                 =
|                                                                              =
| MPI version using     64 processor(s)                                        =
|                                                                              =
| Date (DD-MM-YYYY) : 27-09-2021                                               =
| Time (hh:mm:ss)   : 14:10:21                                                 =
|                                                                              =
| All units are atomic (Hartree, Bohr, etc.)                                   =
* Structural optimisation starting from atomic densities                       *
+ Starting initialization                                                      +
 Lattice vectors (cartesian) :
      0.0000000000      3.8590000000      3.8590000000
      3.8590000000      0.0000000000      3.8590000000
      3.8590000000      3.8590000000      0.0000000000
 Reciprocal lattice vectors (cartesian) :
     -0.8140950126      0.8140950126      0.8140950126
      0.8140950126     -0.8140950126      0.8140950126
      0.8140950126      0.8140950126     -0.8140950126
 Unit cell volume                           :     114.9355375580
 Brillouin zone volume                      :       2.1581681237
 Species :    1 (Au)
     parameters loaded from                 :    Au.xml
     name                                   :    gold
     nuclear charge                         :     -79.00000000
     electronic charge                      :      79.00000000
     atomic mass                            :  359048.05590000
     muffin-tin radius                      :       1.32281000
     # of radial points in muffin-tin       :     450
     atomic positions (lattice) :
       1 :   0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 Total number of atoms per unit cell        :       1
 Spin treatment                             :    spin-unpolarised
 Number of Bravais lattice symmetries       :      48
 Number of crystal symmetries               :      48
 k-point grid                               :      41   41   41
 Total number of k-points                   :    1771
 k-point set is reduced with crystal symmetries
 R^MT_min * |G+k|_max (rgkmax)              :      10.00000000
 Species with R^MT_min                      :       1 (Au)
 Maximum |G+k| for APW functions            :       7.55966465
 Maximum |G| for potential and density      :      40.00000000
 G-vector grid sizes                        :      72    72    72
 Total number of G-vectors                  :  124389
 Maximum angular momentum used for
     APW functions                          :       8
     computing H and O matrix elements      :       8
     potential and density                  :       8
     inner part of muffin-tin               :       2
 Total nuclear charge                       :     -79.00000000
 Total electronic charge                    :      79.00000000
 Total core charge                          :      48.00000000
 Total valence charge                       :      31.00000000
 Number of empty states                     :       5
 Total number of valence states             :      21
 Maximum Hamiltonian size                   :     898
 Maximum number of plane-waves              :     872
 Total number of local-orbitals             :      26
 Exchange-correlation type                  :      20
     Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996)
     Generalised gradient approximation (GGA)
 Smearing scheme                            :    Gaussian
 Smearing width                             :       0.00367493
 Using multisecant Broyden potential mixing
+ Ending initialization                                                        +
* Groundstate module started                                                   *
 Output level for this task is set to normal
+ Self-consistent loop started                                                 +
 Density and potential initialised from atomic data
+ SCF iteration number :    1                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19076.01619577
 Fermi energy                               :         0.64694786
 Kinetic energy                             :     21876.00095784
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40585.77424236
 Exchange energy                            :      -361.34563169
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89727957
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        42.45979578
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.20892253
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         7.90448730
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        71.09551270
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        71.09551270
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :        71.66
+ SCF iteration number :    2                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19060.03705764
 Fermi energy                               :         0.65676807
 Kinetic energy                             :     21885.70878727
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40579.79803632
 Exchange energy                            :      -361.05174541
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89606318
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        40.41853085
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21230526
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.06154163
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.93845837
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.93845837
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       135.61
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.193676      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :   15.9791      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.434048E-02  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    3                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.69635503
 Fermi energy                               :         0.65503337
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.17940097
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.02982360
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.95039769
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89553471
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.77279903
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21395277
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.12332686
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.87667314
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.87667314
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       199.48
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.134949      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :   5.34070      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.163953E-02  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    4                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19058.02780916
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62069561
 Kinetic energy                             :     21886.70221571
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.84226444
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.99290269
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89485773
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        40.89838591
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21567613
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.09895749
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.90104251
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.90104251
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       264.98
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.143778E-01  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :   3.33145      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.226066E-02  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    5                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19055.02458183
 Fermi energy                               :         0.63100414
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.70172477
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.89100919
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.94033563
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89496178
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.82811320
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21611892
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.15905322
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.84094678
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.84094678
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       328.44
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.370222E-02  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :   3.00323      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.201803E-02  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    6                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.11044884
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62896845
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.61301003
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40577.90569406
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92297213
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89479267
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99256203
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21623350
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14996768
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85003232
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85003232
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       392.94
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.666389E-03  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.914133      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.550288E-03  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    7                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.37462215
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62895585
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.53349536
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08544696
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92785548
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481507
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99435225
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620964
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14962880
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85037120
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85037120
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       457.50
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.492020E-04  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.264173      ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.336250E-04  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    8                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.39144295
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893224
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52070879
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08917690
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92815823
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481661
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99657739
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620471
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14943408
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85056592
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85056592
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       521.52
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.958030E-05  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.168208E-01  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.533835E-05  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :    9                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38709004
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893444
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52295141
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08714908
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92807621
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481616
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99633240
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620558
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945819
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054181
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054181
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       584.99
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.967187E-06  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.435291E-02  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.657140E-06  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   10                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38752937
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893458
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284197
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08747029
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808484
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632376
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945857
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054143
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054143
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       649.36
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.741360E-07  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.439327E-03  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.971642E-07  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   11                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38751111
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52283984
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08745025
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808449
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632972
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945835
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054165
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054165
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       714.23
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.123414E-07  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.182597E-04  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.121457E-07  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   12                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38750440
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284407
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08744792
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808434
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632485
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945846
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054154
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054154
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       777.93
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.106942E-07  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.671069E-05  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.379067E-08  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   13                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38750778
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284197
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08744913
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808442
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632736
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945841
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054159
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054159
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       841.73
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.103044E-08  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.338370E-05  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.192389E-08  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   14                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38750750
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284216
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08744905
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808441
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632711
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945841
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054159
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054159
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       905.13
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.858348E-10  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.277814E-06  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.188612E-09  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
+ SCF iteration number :   15                                                  +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38750752
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284215
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08744905
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808441
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632713
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945841
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054159
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054159
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
 Wall time (seconds)                        :       968.94
 RMS change in effective potential (target) :  0.133472E-10  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Absolute change in total energy   (target) :  0.170185E-07  ( 0.100000E-05)
 Charge distance                   (target) :  0.142196E-10  ( 0.100000E-04)
 Abs. change in max-nonIBS-force   (target) :   0.00000      ( 0.500000E-04)
| Convergency criteria checked for the last 2 iterations                       +
| Convergence targets achieved. Performing final SCF iteration                 +
 Total energy                               :    -19054.38750752
 Fermi energy                               :         0.62893456
 Kinetic energy                             :     21889.52284215
 Coulomb energy                             :    -40578.08744906
 Exchange energy                            :      -360.92808441
 Correlation energy                         :        -4.89481621
 DOS at Fermi energy (states/Ha/cell)       :        39.99632713
 Electron charges :
     core                                   :        48.00000000
     core leakage                           :         0.21620554
     valence                                :        31.00000000
     interstitial                           :         8.14945841
     charge in muffin-tin spheres :
                  atom     1    Au          :        70.85054159
     total charge in muffin-tins            :        70.85054159
     total charge                           :        79.00000000
+ Self-consistent loop stopped                                                 +
 STATE.OUT is written
- Writing atomic positions and forces                                          -
 Atomic positions (lattice) :
 atom     1  Au  :     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
 Total atomic forces including IBS (cartesian) :
 atom     1  Au  :     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
 Atomic force components including IBS (cartesian) :
 atom     1  Au  :     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000   HF force
                 :     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000   core correction
                 :     0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000   IBS correction

* Groundstate module stopped                                                   *
* Structure-optimization module started                                        *
 Output level for this task is set to normal
 Maximum displacement tau_BFGS   is         :         5.0000
 Maximum displacement tau_newton is         :         0.2000
 Maximum force target reached already at the initial configuration
* Structure-optimization module stopped                                        *
 Total time spent (seconds)                 :      1036.22
| EXCITING NITROGEN-14 stopped                                                 =

This is the problem:

Core leakage should be closer to 1.e-6 to 0 1.e07. This implies your basis defined in the species file is really not good (and unfortunately it looks like this is the default file). I will see if I can find a better one used in our group

Thank you very much Alex! I am looking forward for your further comments on the topic.

Dear Maria,
it appears to me that your DOS from exciting is fine except it is shifted for whatever reason. When I try to reproduce your calculations this is what I get:

The only difference in my calculation was gmaxvr=30 - just to make the calculation a bit faster on my desktop PC. The DOS looks pretty close to the result from fhi-aims and vasp. The curve from exciting looks a bit more spiky, but it must depend on the smearing parameter.

Thank you very much for you reply. I have created a new directory and ran the calculation from scratch and it works fine. Probably, some old files from previous runs damaged the calculation.

Dear Maria,
I want to ask you a question, How did you know to select the “swidth” parameter like this?
Can you please explain it for me or send me a link to can undrestand deeply the concept of selecting this parameter.

Hi Nasrin,

There’s no deep concept to selecting broadening parameters, they’re not physical. Rather, you know your peaks should have some finite width and you select a value based on its aesthetic appeal. For absorption spectra, you could rationalise homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening based on physical phenomena (see Optical Properties of Solids by Mark Fox for a good explanation), but you’re still making an artificial choice.
