Experimental materials availability since 2016

Are there new experimental materials available since 2016? The addition of thousands of new materials since 2016 is mentioned in the updates here: Database Versions - Materials Project Documentation

I’ve been cross-checking experimental materials with the dates in the referenced literature and I don’t seem to find any experimental materials since 2016 in my search.

I am accessing via API with the python mp_api.client (v0.41.1, installed via pip).

e.g. using the following method to obtain all records containing element “Na”:

        with MPRester(new_version_API_key) as mpr:
            list_of_materials = mpr.materials.summary.search(elements=["Na"],fields=["material_id","database_IDs","theoretical","formula_pretty"])

I then send a GET request to https://api.materialsproject.org/materials/provenance/ to get a list of references for a given material_id and perform regex search to extract the publication years.

I did find theoretical materials with references from e.g. 2021 but it seems all the experimental ones I find are no younger than 2016. It’s ok if the database is not updated later than this, I’d just like to make sure I’m not missing any new structures in the database by querying the wrong endpoints or something else.

Thanks for any help.

Hi @bskipl
The core MP data are all computational, although some were referenced from the ICSD database. The star in the Materials Explorer app denotes that it is experimentally observed (the provenance collection reflects that), but the structures themselves were all calculated by theory.
You could also use the mpr.materials.provenance.search() method to get the references instead of sending direct requests.
Hope this helps

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