[EXTERNAL] regarding using constant potential simulation in lammps

Please post future questions to the LAMMPS mailing list. These error messages are complaining about undefined LAPACK functions. This is not an issue specific to LAMMPS, rather a general problem with LAPACK on your machine. I suggest you ask someone at VCU for help compiling LAPACK on your machine.


Please post future questions to the LAMMPS mailing list. These error
messages are complaining about undefined LAPACK functions. This is not an
issue specific to LAMMPS, rather a general problem with LAPACK on your
machine. I suggest you ask someone at VCU for help compiling LAPACK on your

FWIW, there is a stripped down (reference) BLAS/LAPACK distribution
bundled with LAMMPS in lib/linalg/ which is set up to provide all
BLAS/LAPACK functions required by existing packages and also contains
these two subroutines.
