Fireworks release does not work any more

Dear colleagues,

changes in two dependency packages since the most recent fireworks release (2.0.3, March 2024) prevent from using FireWorks due to crashes. These packages are

These two seem to have been fixed in the main developer branch (see Replace copy_tree from distutils with copytree from shutil by ikondov · Pull Request #533 · materialsproject/fireworks · GitHub and AttributeError: "safe_load()" has been removed with ruamel.yaml 0.18.5 · Issue #516 · materialsproject/fireworks · GitHub) but are unfortunately not available in the pypi registry from where end-user packages obtain fireworks.

Is a new release planned soon to provide these bug fixes?

Best regards,

Tagging @Anubhav_Jain who maintains fireworks - as a temporary fix, you can pip install setuptools==75.1.0 ruamel-yaml==0.17.40 (barringversion conflicts with your other packages)

@Aaron_Kaplan Thank you very much for your kind response and the working workaround suggestion! I am already doing this in my developer’s environment to be able to run fireworks but it is unfortunately insufficient solution for the users of our software that has fireworks as a dependency.

Hi Ivan,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

I tried to dust off all the cobwebs on the FWS release procedure and push out a new PyPI release. Could you give it a try and let me know if you encounter any issues?

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Hi Anubhav,

thank you very much for your prompt reply and for the new release! It solves the problems!

There is one more issue (#535) but it is not yet solved in the main branch. I will try to fix the next time I find time. Otherwise, with some python distributions, one has to install pytest just to use (not test) fireworks.

Best regards,