Is it possible to use fix balance to split the atoms equally across cores, and keep the list fixed without being updated, so each particle belong to core #1 will belong to the same core throughout the simulation?
In this system the particles dont have any interactions.
Thank you
Here is the script, if needed.
This is part of a bigger script, but this is a working example.
# -------- Time parameters--------------------
variable maxsteps equal 2000000000
variable totalsteps equal 50000000
variable MD_time equal 8000
variable mydt equal 1e-3
variable runsteps equal ${MD_time}/${mydt}
variable delta_t equal 1000
if "${runsteps} > ${maxsteps}" then &
"variable runsteps equal ${maxsteps}"
# -------- Brownian dynamics variables --------------------
variable rng string gaussian
variable seed equal 17145296
variable temp equal 1.0
variable gamma_t equal 1.0
variable gamma_r equal 0.40839
# -------- Dimensions variables-----------
dimension 2
variable x_max equal 100
variable x_min equal 0
variable y_max equal 30
variable y_min equal 0
variable N_par equal 50000
# -------- Particles ratio --------------------
variable comp_ratio equal 1
variable N_mag equal ceil(${N_par}*${comp_ratio})
units lj
atom_style hybrid dipole sphere
boundary p f p
newton off
lattice none 1.0
atom_modify map array sort 5000 0.0
region box block ${x_min} ${x_max} ${y_min} ${y_max} -0.2 0.2
region box_par block ${x_min} ${x_max} 5 25 -0.2 0.2
create_box 2 box
mass * 1.0
timestep ${mydt}
neighbor 0.4 bin
neigh_modify every 1 delay 1 check yes
create_atoms 1 random ${N_mag} ${seed} box_par overlap 0.01
#comm_style tiled
# -------computes: MSD, RDF------------------
compute msd_all all msd
# -------Thermo Fixes to print to file VORO, STRESS, CLUSTER------------------
compute areas all voronoi/atom neighbors yes
compute peratom all stress/atom NULL virial
# -------Fixes------------------
fix step all brownian/sphere ${temp} ${seed} gamma_t ${gamma_t} gamma_r ${gamma_r} rng ${rng}
#fix bal all balance ${delta_t} 1.1 rcb
# -------Thermo Fixes to print to file MSD, RDF------------------
fix msd_avg_all all ave/time ${delta_t} 1 ${delta_t} c_msd_all[1] c_msd_all[2] c_msd_all[4] file msd_all.txt
fix xwalls all wall/reflect ylo 5 yhi 25
# -------Apply LJ pair style------------------
pair_style none
# -------- Dumping --------------------
dump 3 all custom ${delta_t} data.lin.xy.xyz id x y xu yu
dump_modify 3 append yes
# -------- Simulation main run --------------------
write_data data2.xyz
run ${runsteps} upto
write_restart restart.in2d