Getting this error.
Fix SRD: bad bin assignment for SRD advection (…/fix_srd.cpp:756)
Changing the Tsrd value and shift style many ways but doesn’t working for mass 0.001. If anyone could suggest me the way to get rid of this error would be a great help. thanks.
Getting this error.
Fix SRD: bad bin assignment for SRD advection (../fix_srd.cpp:756)
Changing the Tsrd value and shift style many ways but doesn't working for
mass 0.001. If anyone could suggest me the way to get rid of this error
would be a great help. thanks.
you've asked the same question before and have been given an answer
suggesting that you need to make an effort to understand the physics
better. you cannot expect to get an answer to a repost without properly
justifying that the physics of your simulation would actually make sense
and proving that a previous answer was incorrect. instead you are giving
indications that you have been somewhat randomly changing parameters in the
hope to have simulations complete, which doesn't make much sense. at the
very least you should prove that the various boundary conditions and
requirements for fix srd as explained in the documentation are met and that
fix srd does not produce any warnings beyond the terminal error.
I asked again cause I didn’t get any reply. Now I found the reply in the discussion section.Don’t know why this happen.
I mention different plugin because Tsrd value affects the lamda and any lamda value less than 0.6*hgrid should work when i kept… shift yes shitseed(54979).
the boundary condition was met.
for mass= 0.1 and 0.01
and Tsrd= 1.0 and 0.1 respectively gives the same lamda value respectively. And the simulation works fine for shift yes. (It means the lamda value is less than gridsize* 0.6). Keeping the di_SRD value unchanged ( timestep= 0.001 and N=50000) I ran the simulation for
Tsrd = 0.01 which should give the same lamda value and as I kept the shift yes, thus the simulation shoud work fine , right ?
After all these information what might be the reason of showing error: bad bin assignment !? Because the same way mass of 0.1 and 0.01 input script runs!!