There is an other point I do not understand in obtained result. If I compute the dynamic structure factor using calculate_incoherent=True, it does not give the same result for F(\boldsymbol{q}, t) as if I use calculate_incoherent=False.
If your try, on in dynasor/tests/trajectory_reader/trajectory_files :
from dynasor import compute_dynamic_structure_factors, Trajectory
from dynasor.qpoints import get_spherical_qpoints
from dynasor.post_processing import compute_spherical_qpoint_average
traj = Trajectory('./', trajectory_format='extxyz')
q_points = get_spherical_qpoints(traj.cell, q_max=3)
res = compute_dynamic_structure_factors(traj, q_points, dt=25, window_size=100)
res.Fqt[0,:] is the number of particles which is correct from the definition.
Yes it makes sense. I think I expressed myself badly. I wonder if starting definitions are correct. Given that the notions of self/coherent and distinct/coherent defines the same observables, and given than distinct Van-Hove functions sums over i \neq j.
Hence F(\boldsymbol{q} = 0, t=0) = N, equivalent to S(\boldsymbol{q} = 0)
So in Dynasor, Fqt would refer to the total ISF, and if one computes the coherent (self) part, you can obtain the incoherent (distinct) part calculating the difference.
Yea I think the definitions differ a bit.
Dynasor only computes the coherent and incoherent parts, the sum of these two are stored as sample.Fqt.
In dynasor the coherent part is F_{coh} = \sum_i \sum_j ....
where the double sum runs over all i and j, including terms with i=j.
And the incoherent (self) part is a single sum F_{incoh} = \sum_i ....
But dynasor doesnt not (directly) compute F_{distinct} as you define it. (see here for more details)
So with these definitions if I understand correctly we have F_{coh} = F_{distinct} + F_{self} .
Hopefully this clarifies it.
@esmee In the docs I think we do write F(q, t) when we mean F_{coh}(q, t), maybe something one should fix to avoid confusion, since Fqt does not necessarily refer to the coherent in the Sample.