Getting unwrapped coordinates of each atom's position from PyLammps

Dear all

I am now attempting to build the pivot algorithm for running Monte-Carlo simulations of polymers while simultaneously doing MD simulations. Crazy, I know.

My problem is:

Using PyLammps’ L.atom[i].position method, I have difficulty obtaining the unwrapped positions of each molecule/atom, i, after I have initialized the system with

Do you know how to obtain the unwrapped coordinates for each atom using PyLammps after the system has been initialized?

An example of a none self-avoiding polymer can be seen in the pictures I have produced:

Where matplotlib receives the unwrapped coordinates too. I need the unwrapped coordinates, thus this is an issue.

What I actually want is the image seen below. That I could generate prior to running run(0).

I hope you are willing to help.

First off, for any serious project, you should not be using PyLammps, but the regular LAMMPS python module. Due to its approach, PyLammps is very fragile and can be much slower.

In either case, you can define a compute property/atom instance and then get access to the data via the extract_compute member function

Thank you for your help. You are entirely correct to not just using PyLammps.
As seen below, one can call a PyLammps Lammps instance.

It took me several hours to figure out.
Obtaining a lammps instance was a prerequisite for obtaining the unwrapped coordinates.

L = PyLammps() #PyLammps instance
LL = L.lmp #lammps instance

Then i could setup the simulation with PyLammps

L.compute("ucoordinates", "all", "property/atom", "id", "xu", "yu", "zu")
L.dimension(3) # 3D simulation
L.units("lj") # set units to Lennard-Jones
L.create_atoms(1, "random", NPolymers*Nmonomers, 12345, "box") # create NPolymers*Nmonomers atoms in the box region with the given seed
unwrappedxyz = LL.numpy.extract_compute("ucoordinates", LMP_STYLE_ATOM, LMP_TYPE_ARRAY)

To get it work, I had to utilize the lammps instance, L.lmp.

Also, strange behavior occurs when transferring atoms or molecules from one coordinate to another using PyLammps. When executing the code

    for i in range(L.system.natoms):
            L.atoms[i].position = (i*0.1 + 15, 15, 15)

    listucord = LL.numpy.extract_compute("ucoordinates", LMP_STYLE_ATOM, LMP_TYPE_ARRAY)

    print(listucord[0][1], listucord[0][2], listucord[0][3])

    for i in range(5):
        print("position of atom", i, "is", L.atoms[i].position)
        print("unwrapped position of atom", i, "is", listucord[i][1], listucord[i][2], listucord[i][3])

    for i in range(L.system.natoms):
        L.atoms[i].position = (i*0.1 + 0, 0, 0)

    listucord = LL.extract_compute("ucoordinates", LMP_STYLE_ATOM, LMP_TYPE_ARRAY)

    print(listucord[0][1], listucord[0][2], listucord[0][3])

    for i in range(5):
        print("new position of atom", i, "is", L.atoms[i].position)
        print("new unwrapped position of atom", i, "is", listucord[i][1], listucord[i][2], listucord[i][3])

Where the box is defined as

L.boundary("p p p") # periodic boundary conditions in all directions
L.region("box", "block", -boxSize/2, boxSize/2, -boxSize/2, boxSize/2, -boxSize/2, boxSize/2) # create a box region with the given box size

I get the output:

position of atom 0 is [-5. -5. -5.]
unwrapped position of atom 0 is 15.0 15.0 15.0
position of atom 1 is [-4.9 -5.  -5. ]
unwrapped position of atom 1 is 15.1 15.0 15.0
position of atom 2 is [-4.8 -5.  -5. ]
unwrapped position of atom 2 is 15.2 15.0 15.0
position of atom 3 is [-4.7 -5.  -5. ]
unwrapped position of atom 3 is 15.3 15.0 15.0
position of atom 4 is [-4.6 -5.  -5. ]
unwrapped position of atom 4 is 15.4 15.0 15.0

new position of atom 0 is [0. 0. 0.]
new unwrapped position of atom 0 is 20.0 20.0 20.0
new position of atom 1 is [0.1 0.  0. ]
new unwrapped position of atom 1 is 20.1 20.0 20.0
new position of atom 2 is [0.2 0.  0. ]
new unwrapped position of atom 2 is 20.2 20.0 20.0
new position of atom 3 is [0.3 0.  0. ]
new unwrapped position of atom 3 is 20.3 20.0 20.0
new position of atom 4 is [0.4 0.  0. ]
new unwrapped position of atom 4 is 20.4 20.0 20.0

Therefore, while executing L.atoms[i].position = (i*0.1 + 0, 0, 0), the wrapped coordinates move near to the center of the original box (0*i,0,0), and the unwrapped coordinates travel close to the center of another box image (I am uncertain of the terminology) (20*i, 20, 20).

I am only interested in unwrapped coordinates, thus for me it might be irrelevant.

Again, many thanks!

You are missing my point entirely. I am not suggesting to use the LAMMPS module in addition to PyLammps, I am recommending against using PyLammps altogether.
The inconsistency you see is likely part of that dual use.

I will change the code for the instance of lammps() .

I must mention that utilizing IPyLammps via Jupyter to learn how to use lammps was enjoyable and convenient.

That is what it was designed for.