gpu support on linux amd 64 ubuntu 11.04 geforce quadro fx 570

Hello ,

I am trying to get gpu support for the machine mentioned in the subject.

I successfully installed the cuda toolkit 4.0.13 , the devdrier 4.0 the gpu computing sdk 4.0.13, and managed to compile and run the example cuda
codes from the Nvidia cuda website.
It seems to me that my CUDA installation is ok.

When I try to compile lammps (svn version 07 May 2011), everything works smoothly (although I do not succeed to compile reax, meam, or peri).
I use mpicxx to compile parallel code.
The produced binary does work as it should, only the gpu part does not work.
In a nutshell, I followed these steps:

cd lib/gpu
make -f Makefile.linux

No errors, nvc_get_devices lists my graphics card.

cd lammps/src

make clean-all
make yes-asphere
make yes-class2
make yes-colloid
make yes-dipole
make yes-dsmc
make yes-gpu
make yes-granular
make yes-kspace
make yes-manybody
make no-meam
make yes-molecule
make yes-opt
make yes-peri
make no-poems
make no-reax
make yes-replica
make yes-shock
make no-srd
make yes-xtc

make no-user-ackland
make no-user-atc
make no-user-cd-eam
make no-user-cg-cmm
make no-user-eff
make no-user-ewaldn
make no-user-imd
make no-user-reaxc
make no-user-smd

make package-status
make -j4 ubuntu_parallel

No errors, everything compiles.

However, when I run a program with

pair_style lj/cut/gpu one/node 0 2.5

I get an error:

Illegal pair_style command.

I tried to compile gpu lammps, but there were so many missing libraries/link errors when I tried to include USER-CUDA that I gave up.

Thanks for any help!

If you are asking about the USER-CUDA package, then that
is not yet part of official LAMMPS, so I suggest you ask the
folks who created that package. Only the GPU package
is part of official LAMMPS.



However, when I run a program with

pair_style lj/cut/gpu one/node 0 2.5

I get an error:

Illegal pair_style command.

yes, and deservedly so. have you checked the lammps
documentation? this syntax has been obsolete for quite
a while now. the GPU selection is done via a fix. there
is no one/node flag anymore hence the error.

I tried to compile gpu lammps, but there were so many missing libraries/link errors when I tried to include USER-CUDA that I gave up.

this is not a very helpful comment. please file an "issue" report at

and provide a complete description of what you did.
the user-cuda package has a fairly detailed documentation
in the gpulammps wiki and christian is very helpful in case
people have problems.
