GULP+ALAMODE for structure optimization

Dear GULP developers,

Is it possible to use anharmonic force constants calculated with ALAMODE to perform structure optimizations with GULP for different pressures and temperatures, on the self-consistent phonon approach?

Dear Ricardo,
I’m afraid the short answer is “no”. GULP can perform quasi-harmonic free energy minimisation to compute pressure and temperature dependence, but not for self-consistent phonons. There isn’t an easy way to input anharmonic force constants either, since capturing these in a way that is geometry-dependent as a spline interpolation would take a bit of work. If you can extract first derivatives of the self-consistent phonon free energy then potentially these could be passed to GULP for optimisation, but I don’t know if any code can provide these analytically. Sorry that the answer isn’t more optimistic, but I think what you’re looking for would be at the cutting edge of the field & would require development work. Regards, Julian

Alright, thanks for the feedback!