I am fairly new to GULP and I am running it on Windows 11. After successful execution of multiple of the example files by copying and pasting the input, I wish to run GULP in a similar fashion to that of section 3.1.2. of the 6.0 manual. I have tried said syntax, but I cannot seem to get it to work. Additionally, my path name for GULP is long enough to exceed 80 characters. I have tried using & to break up the path name. I would be very grateful for any help on this matter.
Hi Eddie,
If you could attach your input so I can see exactly what you are referring to and what you are trying to run that would help. Not sure why the path length for the GULP exe matters unless this is a Windows thing. I’m a Unix/Mac person so I’m afraid I don’t know how to put the exe in your PATH equivalent on this O/S - sorry.
I think I might not have expressed my question very clearly.
I could run examples successfully on GULP using the executable file. I would copy the input file text in and add start. On my device, the GULP.exe window would close automatically after running. For example 1, although I would get the .xr and .mvn files, I would not be able to see the output (labelled example1.got in the help section of the GULP website) in which the procedure is shown as the GULP window shut down automatically.
I was trying to run GULP for an example file from the Windows command prompt in a similar fashion to that of Section 3.1.2 of the manual, gulp < inputfile. I have found that to run GULP with an input file from the Windows command prompt, you have to write GULP.exePath < InputFilePath. In addition to this, if GULP runs from the Windows command prompt, the running procedure is visible as the command prompt does not close automatically. I hope this helps other GULP users on Windows.
Hi Eddie,
Thanks for your clarification. As I don’t have access to Windows I can’t comment on how to handle this O/S. The academic version is really only supported for Unix/Linux/Mac; Windows is supported if you obtain the commercial version from Biovia though. I’d argue the best way to run under Windows is to install a virtual machine so that you can use Linux on your system which is the natural environment for HPC.
Just to clarify for other Windows-bassed users, GULP works fine through the Windows command prompt (as described in the second paragraph of my previous post). GULP may be executed for an example by writing GULP.exePath < InputFilePath, which is what I was after.
Nevertheless, I understand it is better to use GULP from Unix/Linux/Mac.