Hello, dear pymatgen users! Recently, I’ve encountered some difficulties while converting CIF files containing fractional occupancy into POSCAR files for VASP calculations.
When faced with a CIF file with fractional occupancy, I used the following simple script for conversion (the script is attached at the end, pymatgen_cif2poscar_1.0.py
from pymatgen.io.vasp import Poscar
from pymatgen.core import Structure
structure = Structure.from_file(file_name) # Attention path
# The ICSD file, i.e. cif, is considered here
# Convert cif file to poscar file
#1.Only the first three coordinates in the cif file are considered to avoid possible accuracy problems
rounded_sites = {}
for site in structure:
# Round the coordinates to three decimal places
rounded_coords = tuple(round(x, 3) for x in site.frac_coords)
if rounded_coords not in rounded_sites:
rounded_sites[rounded_coords] = {}
for element, occupancy in site.species.items():
if element in rounded_sites[rounded_coords]:
rounded_sites[rounded_coords][element] += occupancy
rounded_sites[rounded_coords][element] = occupancy
#2. Create a simplified structure
simplified_sites = []
for coords, species in rounded_sites.items():
# Chose the most important element
most_likely_species = max(species.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])[0]
simplified_sites.append((most_likely_species, coords))
#3. Create a new Structure object
lattice = structure.lattice
elements = [site[0] for site in simplified_sites]
coords = [site[1] for site in simplified_sites]
simplified_structure = Structure(lattice, elements, coords)
#The simplified Structure object is converted to poscar file and output
poscar = Poscar(simplified_structure)
In this script, I simply select the element with the highest occupancy at a fractional occupancy site. For example, in CeZr.cif
(this file is also attached at the end):
The script converts the Ce/Zr fractional occupancy site to Ce only.
However, this approach leads to some issues:
Issue 1:
Since the generated POSCAR only considers the element with the highest occupancy, this leads to a significant deviation in the stoichiometry of the POSCAR from the actual CIF values. In the example above, this approach might even exclude elements!
Issue 2:
Even if the site contains only one possible element, like oxygen in CaZrO.cif
, numerous uncertain positions not only make the POSCAR’s stoichiometry inaccurate but also result in an unrealistic structure.
For Issue 1, I’m considering using a supercell approach to solve this. I found EnumerateStructureTransformation
on the pymatgen API Documentation. As for Issue 2, I don’t have any ideas.
Are there any good solutions for the above two issues? I’d appreciate more detailed guidance. Thank you very much!
pymatgen_cif2poscar_1.0.py (2.4 KB)
CeZr.cif (2.0 KB)
CaZrO.cif (5.8 KB)