Has anyone else been having problems running lammps in the background?

I’ve been trying to get lammps to run on a snow leopard server even after I log off. I use mpirun -np 6 lmp_mac_mpi&<in.infile>/dev/null then use disown -h [PID]. When I check on the status with ps -A or ps -U [username] it shows lammps is running, but it doesn’t write out any data files. This might not be the right forum for this question, but the people in my lab working with palabos or other software have been able to get everything to run properly using the disown command.

~Nickhil Rokkam

ps We’ve also tried using nohup, to no avail.

I've been trying to get lammps to run on a snow leopard server even after I
log off. I use mpirun -np 6 lmp_mac_mpi&<in.infile>/dev/null then use disown
-h [PID]. When I check on the status with ps -A or ps -U [username] it shows
lammps is running, but it doesn't write out any data files. This might not
be the right forum for this question, but the people in my lab working with
palabos or other software have been able to get everything to run properly
using the disown command.

in my opinion, the smartest way to handle this would be run a batch system,
e.g. torque on your "servers". this will also make sure that the machine is
not overloaded.
