help installation of lammps!

Hi lammps user!

I tried install lammps and I getting error massege of two types.

error 1)

using input in error 1

Hi lammps user!

I tried install lammps and I getting error massege of two types.

error 1)

using input in error 1

this is not a LAMMPS issue, but something that you have to look up in the
(intel) compiler documentation. basically, ​you have to compile and link
with the C++ compiler (icpc) and not the C​ compiler (icc). otherwise you
are missing the c++ compiler runtime libraries. -lstdc++ is the
corresponding flag for the GCC c++ compiler, but not sufficient for intel.

error 2)
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xbc): undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_rank'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xd2): undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_size'
write_restart.o: In function `LAMMPS_NS::WriteRestart::write(char*)':
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xe29): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_op_sum'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xe2e): undefined reference to
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xe38): undefined reference to `MPI_Allreduce'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xfee): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_op_max'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xff3): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0xffd): undefined reference to `MPI_Allreduce'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1317): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_double'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x131f): undefined reference to `MPI_Irecv'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1336): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1348): undefined reference to `MPI_Send'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1353): undefined reference to `MPI_Wait'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x135b): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_double'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1363): undefined reference to `MPI_Get_count'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x13f4): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_int'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x13fe): undefined reference to `MPI_Recv'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x141f): undefined reference to `ompi_mpi_double'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x1427): undefined reference to `MPI_Rsend'
write_restart.o: In function
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x17e8): undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_rank'
write_restart.cpp:(.text+0x17fe): undefined reference to `MPI_Comm_size'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [../lmp_linux] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/lammps-27Jan13/src/Obj_linux'
make: *** [linux] Error 2

using input in error 2

# compiler/linker settings
# specify flags and libraries needed for your compiler

CC = gcc

LINK = gcc
LIB = -lstdc++
SIZE = size

SHLIBFLAGS = -shared


MPI_INC = -I/usr/local/include/
MPI_PATH = -L/usr/local/lib/
MPI_LIB = -lmpl -lpthread

FFT_INC = -I/usr/local/include/
FFT_PATH = -L/usr/local/lib/
FFT_LIB = -lfftw3

The two type errors occurs in different computer !
what can i do?

​you didn't compile/link with an MPI library (or the STUBS MPI​ package).

please carefully re-read the compilation and installation instructions and
consult with somebody that has more experience with compilers and compiling
software. also, there is a lot to be learned from the mailing list archives.

otherwise, you can also just install one of the precompiled LAMMPS


MPI_LIB = -lmpl -lpthread