Hi All, I would like to share this information with all LAMMPS users.

Hi All,

I would like share this information with all LAMMPS users.

The research team at University of Missouri (MU) is making the software that they extended based on LAMMPS freely available to the thermal-fluids community to solve boiling and evaporation problems at micro-/nanoscale. The development of software was support by National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. 1066917 (http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1066917) with Professor Yuwen Zhang as PI. This project is partially funded by an OCI CIF21 Venture Fund for Software Reuse. The objective of the initiative is to support pathways towards sustainable software elements through their reuse, and thereby contribute to the OCI cyberinfrastructure mission.

Anyone interested can follow the link at https://www.thermalfluidscentral.org/e-resources/community.php?id=6. It will direct you to a webpage that has all source code, test cases and published papers. Detail information could be found in Introduction and README files in each subdirectory.

Please note that while the MU team believes that the models are correct and the software is tested to be robust and reliable, they make no warrantee on the results when the software is being used to solve new problems. It is the users’ responsibility to test the software for their problem and interpret the results obtained from the software. The MU team is not responsible for any loss when the software is used to aid design or analyze the practical systems.

Best Regards,

Thank you for sharing this. I looked at the Argon example and found it
to be quite good. I have a couple of stylistic suggestions.

1. Call the input file in.flat.obstacle and turn off execute permissions so it
is easier to recognize it as the LAMMPS input file. With my emacs, this also
turns on syntax highlighting.
2. Define important constants using "variable index" so they can be
overridden by command line -var settings
3. Regarding the commands:

velocity wall_fix set 0.0 0.0 0.0 units box
velocity whole1 create ${Tin} 482748 units box
fix 1 wall_fix setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
fix 2 all nve

This is a little risky. Better to use:

fix whole1 all nve

because some fixes (not nve) add extra contributions to the force that
will cause your fixed atoms to start moving.
