I am currently trying to simulate nanoporous structures using a polarizable forcefield. In the equilibration I want to do an NPT run first to adjust the box size and then continue the equilibration in the NVT ensemble. My Problem is that currently as soon as I switch from fix NPT to fix NVT a hole appears in my liquid.
Here is a cutout of my box at the last frame of the NPT run (there is no hole anywhere):
and here at the end of the NVT run:
My input/data:
data.nvt2.lmp (4.4 MB)
The structure is periodic in x-y direction. It is basically a nanotube connecting two graphene walls. The transition between tube and wall basically has 1 90° angle as making any “normal” transition with reasonable angles would make the structure unfeasably large. The unphysical angle is also why I have to freeze the wall part, as well as some of the atoms of the tube.
The output of the simulation:
lmp.out (121.9 KB)
I probably did something really stupid in my input. Has anyone ever had a similar problem and can Help me? Any clue is greatly appreciated.