How can I apply a external voltage in lammps?

Dear sir/madam

I want to apply an external voltage to a memristor and find its hysteresis curve. But as I am new in lammps, I could not find relative codes about applying external voltage. There is just efield command and it is not applicable for me.

May you help me?

best regards

Dear sir/madam

I want to apply an external voltage to a memristor and find its hysteresis

​have you checked whether this is viable with MD at all? have you seen any
publications on that matter for the material you are interested in?
i would be concerned that both, time and length scales accessible for
atomic resolution ​simulations on typical computer hardware are not
sufficient for suitably converged results. it would also depend strongly on
the specific model you would use as performance can differ by multiple
orders of magnitude.

But as I am new in lammps, I could not find relative codes about applying

external voltage.

There is just efield command and it is not applicable for me.

​please explain​

​why this is no applicable?​

May you help me?

​it is very difficult to help with such limited information provided.
