How to control the temperature of the region which particle move in different region?

How to control the temperature of the region which particle move in different region?
I want to build a temperature difference model,must control different region in high temperature and cold temperature. But the the object of the way which control temperature in lammps is group. In my present method I use the dynamic group to reach the aim, howevery the result is bad.
So, any other method to achieve the target?

Why is the dynamic group based result “bad” and what does “bad” mean in this context?

Thanks for you answer.
Because I profile the temperature contour, the temperature contour is disconnected.
I have a question that the how to adjust frequency of dynamic group and the time dump of thermostat.
By the way, my model is that the high temperature in middle channel , the middle channel connect two nve region. In the end , two nve region connect two cold region in the modle boundary.

Sorry, I am having difficulties understanding what you are writing. Perhaps you can find somebody that can help you rewrite this in simpler english with a more conventional grammar.

Please note that there are alternatives to using dynamic groups like using a temperature bias with compute temp/region command — LAMMPS documentation