How to control the uniform velocity of dpd particles placed in parallel plates which are moved with constant velocity

I am trying to simulate dilute polymer solution with uniform velocity U approaching a stationary sphere. For this purpose, I am initially using dpd particles placed in parallel plates and then moving the parallel plates with certain velocity so that dpd particles achieve velocity of plate. After that I will put beads with spring in that system then sphere made of dpd particles.
But, I am stuck in the initial phase for creating uniform flow using parallel plate. Though the flow generated by moving plates is uniform but it does not matches the plate velocity, the uniform velocity is more than plate velocity. I am attaching the input script used in my simulation
##start of script


units lj
dimension 3
boundary p p s
atom_style dpd

Ensure ghost atoms store velocities for DPD pair style

comm_modify vel yes

Create simulation box

region simbox block -30 30 -4 4 -12 12
create_box 2 simbox

Set masses for atom types

mass 1 1.0 # Mass for plate particles (Group A)
mass 2 1.0 # Mass for fluid particles (Group B)

Define regions for plates and fluid

region lower_plate block -30 30 -4 4 -12 -10
region upper_plate block -30 30 -4 4 10 12
region FLUID block -30 30 -4 4 -10 10
region FLUID2 block -30 30 -4 4 -9.9999999 9.9999999

Create atoms for plates with high density

lattice fcc 6
create_atoms 1 region lower_plate
create_atoms 1 region upper_plate

Create atoms for fluid with lower density

lattice fcc 4
create_atoms 2 region FLUID

Group definitions

group lowerplate region lower_plate
group upperplate region upper_plate
group fluid region FLUID
group walls union lowerplate upperplate
group fluid_v region FLUID2

Define DPD settings

pair_style dpd 1.0 2.0 12345 #
pair_coeff 1 1 0.0 4.5 2.0 # No interaction between wall particles
pair_coeff 1 2 18.75 4.5 2.0 # Interaction between wall and fluid particles, initially 9.68
pair_coeff 2 2 18.75 4.5 2.0 # Interaction between fluid particles

Freeze wall particles

fix freeze_walls walls setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0

Reflective boundary conditions for fluid particles at plate boundaries

fix wall_lower fluid wall/reflect zlo EDGE
fix wall_upper fluid wall/reflect zhi EDGE

Move the plates with a certain velocity along the x-axis

variable plate_velocity equal 0.35 # Set the plate velocity
velocity lowerplate set v_plate_velocity 0.0 0.0
velocity upperplate set v_plate_velocity 0.0 0.0

Neighbor list settings

neighbor 2 bin # Increase the skin distance
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes

Time integration using NVT for thermostatting

fix 2 fluid nvt temp 1.0 1.0 0.5 # Nose-Hoover thermostat applied to fluid

Initial velocities for fluid particles

velocity fluid_v create 1.0 12345

Chunks along z-axis (cuboidal binning)

compute cuboidChunks fluid chunk/atom bin/3d x lower 1 y lower 1 z lower 1 units box

Compute temperature for fluid region

compute fluid_temp fluid temp/region FLUID

Fixes for averaging density and velocity in cuboidal bins

fix aveCuboid fluid ave/chunk 100 10 1000 cuboidChunks density/number vx vy vz norm sample file cuboid_density_velocity.txt

Output settings

thermo 100
thermo_style custom step temp c_fluid_temp

Dump temperature of the fluid region only

dump 1 fluid custom 100 fluid_temp.lammpstrj id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz
dump 2 all custom 100 dumpvel.lammpstrj id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz

restart setting
restart 5000 restart.lammpstrj

Run settings

timestep 0.0025 # Reduce the time step for stability
run 100000
##end of script
I have created two regions FLUID and FLUID2, FLUID2 region is subset of FLUID region with y range being slightly small. I have used this region to create initial random velocity in the FLUID. As If I create random velocity in FLUID region, dpd particles diffuses in wall. The wall particles are going with a velocity of about 3.8 (This is ave/chunk calculated value).
What is causing this issue, I have checked with low velocity also (plate velocity 0.05) it is also showing same phenomena. Is there any alternate way to get uniform controlled velocity?
P.S. I am new to lammps and DPD simulations in lammps

Hi @gsourav577,

Please have a look at the formatting and posting guidelines on this topic to help people read your input file and get some general advice on how to formulate your question and investigate your issue.

If you are new to lammps and DPD, the best place to start is the relevant literature, the manual and more importantly, get feedback to your questions from an experimented advisor/colleague face to face.

After a quick look at your input, I can already see that you are using NVT with DPD pair_style which is unnecessary. The random and dissipative forces of DPD take care of thermostatting your system. This is why you provide an input temperature. Since those forces depend on relative velocities of interacting particles, using a fix like setforce 0 0 0 seems ill advised to me. The way I’ve seen such surfaces thermalised using DPD was through tethering forces like in this article. The NVE integrator should be enough.

Overall I think you need to carefully think about your setup and look for suitable parameters in the literature.