How to do "if-then " statement every time step

*please* copy the mailing list. if you want me to be your personal
consultant, you have to hire me. this is the last reminder.


it is your choice to reject a good idea before having properly thought
about it, tried it with some simple test, and properly checked the
documentation of what is possible to reduce the amount of data to be
written out.

similarly, it is my choice to ignore people that refuse to listen to
good advice.

So if it is possible to add this by writing a "fix_extension", this will
save me a lot of work.

be my guest. LAMMPS is open source and you can change it any way you
like (and are capable of).


Sorry, my bad not copying the mailing list.

I think I kind of got your idea.
I can output max(z) and min(z) by

run 100000 every 10 “print ${variable_maxz}”

this way can save me a lot of space. Is it right?

Sorry, my bad not copying the mailing list.

I think I kind of got your idea.

No, you do not.

I can output max(z) and min(z) by

run 100000 every 10 “print ${variable_maxz}”

this way can save me a lot of space. Is it right?

At this point I don’t care. Do as you like.