How to increase maximum element in MEAM header file

Too many elements extracted from MEAM library (current limit: 5). Increase ‘maxelt’ in meam.h and recompile. (src/MEAM/pair_meam.cpp:245) .

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find src/MEAM directory and meam.h header file. Please advise me on changing of ‘maxelt’ in meam.h header file.

When reporting this kind of issue, please always let us know what is your LAMMPS version and what OS you are running on.

LAMMPS(Aug-2023 version) running on windows 11.

You are out of luck. The windows packages are pre-compiled and to make the change that was indicated, you need to edit the source code and then recompile LAMMPS from source.

If you are willing to install the community edition of Microsoft Visual Studio (not Visual Studio Code), you can try and follow the instructions here to build a LAMMPS executable from source.

Another possible approach would be to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux and then install LAMMPS from source within the Linux subsystem following the regular build instructions

If you need space for 8 elements or less, then you could also wait until the next LAMMPS release is made (in 2-3 weeks) since we have changed the default from 5 to 8 following the increasing number of people that study high-entropy alloys with LAMMPS and the MEAM pair style.

Thanks akohlmey for your solution…can you please tell me the version no. of LAMMPS which will allow 8 elements or less, so that I can keep eye on it?

We don’t know yet. That depends on the day the release is ready. Which in turn depends on when certain features that are still under development will be ready.

There will be an announcement posted in the forum here and you can also follow the LAMMPS project on the GitHub release page to get release announcements.

If there are unexpected problems the release may also be delayed. That could then postpone the upload of Windows packages until mid-May, since in between I will be away from the build servers when conducting an HPC workshop in Nepal.

well, well…I am following GitHub release page and wish that ‘change of maximum elements’ will be listed on announcement.

Small changes like this are never included in the release notes.
Since I have already told you that that change is included in the development branch, so it will be part of the next feature release. What more do you need?

Nothing more,thanks.