How to show Voronoi polyhedra only for selected atom?

Hi all,

I want to see the Voronoi polyhedra only for a specific atom, say atom number 1, and hide other polyhedra of other atoms. How can I achieve this with the basic version?

(I tried to select and delete other atoms but it doesn’t work. OVITO will ignore the deleted atoms and redo the cell volume disvision.)

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Calvin,
You would need to select and delete both the atoms and respective mesh regions like in the example pipeline shown in the attached screenshot.

Note, that you can create groups of any sequence of modifiers to make it easier to reuse them in the pipeline, but this step is only optional.

Hi Kalcher,

Thank you so much for the reply. It’s quite helpful. One more question: how do you make the colorbar picture in your example? Is this a function of pro version?

I tried to use colorcoding function, but the cell is in the same color. I want to make one like yours, which colorcode based on the face area. How do you make it look so nice?

You can control the color of a Surface Mesh directly at the level of the Visual element settings. :slight_smile:
Here are the settings that I used:

, see also

The color legend can be added as a Viewport layer, see Viewport layers — OVITO User Manual 3.10.4 documentation