Hi, I and some colleagues have noticed that on NOMAD there seems to be no way of either stopping or removing an ongoing upload that for some reason is very slow or stuck. In these cases, by selecting a file being uploaded and clicking on the delete icon, the system answers that removal is not possible since the upload is not yet completed. As for stopping the upload, I cannot see any “stop” button. This is rather unsatisfactory, since a very slow / stuck upload (either due e.g. to a very large file size or to temporarily slow internet connection) might be the very reason for wanting to stop it / remove it.
Hi @Elena_Molteni,
If an upload is stuck at processing step, you can use the nomad CLI to stop it:
nomad admin uploads stop -- <upload_id>
nomad admin uploads reset -- <upload_id>
This is basically a shell command that you can try in your terminal (make sure to be in the same python environment as the nomad-lab is installed). You may check for other available CLI commands here. This way you should be able to reset the frozen uploads. Unfortunately we don’t have a way to do this from the GUI yet.
Thanks for the quick answer. Are there ways to obtain the same result when one is using NOMAD without having installed nomad-lab locally, and therefore one is performing uploads by drag-and-drop instead of command line? Thanks again.
If you are using NOMAD locally (meaning you have a NOMAD Oasis) then the only way, at the moment, to stop/reset the processing of an upload is to use command line.
But if you are using the central NOMAD and not your own (or your institute’s) installation, then we would need the upload_id so we can stop the processing.
All in all, it is not possible to get the same result from your web browser.
Ok, thanks, good to know. The 2 stuck uploads I would like to delete have the following upload IDs: 58exVQ7hTN-gDrFJvvhd0A, XAt_9FeYQ4yTQrJTEA6phA
I deleted the two uploads now.