How to use CrystalNNFingerprint

Dear there

Could someone show me am example about how to use CrystalNNFingerprint?

Thank you very much!

Best Wishes


CrystalNNFingerprint is a site featurizer which requires both a structure and a site index to featurize. If you want to featurize a single site, you can use:

from matminer.datasets.convenience_loaders import load_elastic_tensor
from import CrystalNNFingerprint

# loads dataset as a pandas DataFrame object
df = load_elastic_tensor() 

# get a single structure from the dataset
structure = df.iloc[0]["structure"] 

# initialize the featurizer to use structural order parameters (i.e., 
# octahedral, tetrahedral) rather than coordination number.
cnnf = CrystalNNFingerprint.from_preset("ops")

# get the features for the first site in the structure.
site_1_features = cnnf.featurize(structure, 0)

# get the feature labels

The fingerprint for a whole structure can be obtained using SiteStatsFeaturizer. This can be used in a similar way to all structural featurizers. They can be run on either:

  • A pandas DataFrame containing multiple Structure objects.
  • A single Structure object.

For example, to run the featurizer on a DataFrame containing multiple Structure objects:

from matminer.datasets.convenience_loaders import load_elastic_tensor
from matminer.featurizers.structure import SiteStatsFingerprint

df = load_elastic_tensor()  # loads dataset in a pandas DataFrame object

# initialize SiteStatsFingerprint to use CrystalNNFingerprint with
# structural order parameters (i.e., octahedral, tetrahedral)
# this allows getting the fingerprint for the whole structure
cnnf = SiteStatsFingerprint.from_preset("CrystalNNFingerprint_ops")

# add CrystalNNFingerprint to the dataframe 
df = cnnf.featurize_dataframe(df, "structure")

Does this help answer your question?


thank you for your reply, it help me.
one question is, what does the “first site in the structure” represent?


A Structure object is effectively a list of atomic species and coordinates for multiple atoms. The first site is the first atom in the structure.

I’ve seen your code, which has solved many of my problems.But when I used it, there was a problem

When I use BondOrientationalParameter and my code is as follows:

from matminer.datasets.convenience_loaders import load_elastic_tensor
from matminer.featurizers.structure import SiteStatsFingerprint
from import BondOrientationalParameter
df = load_elastic_tensor()
dfeat= SiteStatsFingerprint(BondOrientationalParameter())
df = dfeat.featurize_dataframe(df, “structure”)

The reason for the error is ‘max() arg sequence is empty’. I would like to ask you for advice on how to solve this problem


You can ignore any errors that are thrown by using the ignore_errors option. The return_errors option allows you to see which structures failed.

For example:

df = dfeat.featurize_dataframe(df, "structure", ignore_errors=True, return_errors=True)

Hope this helps.
