“hybrid full sphere” for “atom_style“

Dear all,

I used “hybrid full sphere” for “atom_style“.
The following are defined parameter values in data file.
atom-ID , atom-type , x , y , z , molecule-ID , q , diameter , density
Then I used dump to read this parameter.
dump 1 all custom 100 dump.xyz id type x y z mol q diameter

I got a strange result, lammps output q column as mol and output density column(last column value) as q!!!
Then I changed the columns in data file, but lammps understood that last column couldn’t get negative value(q)…!
So I think the sequence of parameter is true but I can’t understand why this happen.

Thanks in advance,

The following are defined parameter values in data file.
atom-ID , atom-type , x , y , z , molecule-ID , q , diameter , density
Then I used dump to read this parameter.

I don't understand what you mean by using the dump
to command to read the data file. If you can
run the simulation, then you used the read_data command,
which is thus working fine. If you dumped to a dump
file during the simulation, then the dump command is
working fine.
