hybrid pair styles crash read_restart

I've attached a small example which causes LAMMPS to crash. To
reproduce the crash use these commands. (The first command creates a
restart file "system_after_min.rst". The second command reads it and

lmp_binary_name -i in.min
lmp_binary_name -i in.nvt

crash_example_2012-4-29.tar (10 KB)

I've attached a small example which causes LAMMPS to crash. To
reproduce the crash use these commands. (The first command creates a
restart file "system_after_min.rst". The second command reads it and

lmp_binary_name -i in.min
lmp_binary_name -i in.nvt


The problem appears to be near line 314 of pair_hybrid.cpp. It is
trying to dereference a null pointer ("multiple").

that is only the symptom.

the reason is, that the restart facility
has not been updated to be consistent
with the latest changes in ::settings().

the segfault can be easily avoided,
but that doesn't fix the problem. this
will take a little extra effort.
