hybrid pair styles crash read_restart

I won't spend too much time on it then. Appreciated.
Thanks Axel


(I might post a few very minor code patches/suggestions in the coming week.)

the reason is, that the restart facility
has not been updated to be consistent
with the latest changes in ::settings().

the segfault can be easily avoided,
but that doesn't fix the problem. this
will take a little extra effort.

here is the resulting update to the code.
it works for me, but please check it out
and let us know. there is a different way
to do the same thing, but that would
break backward compatibility of the
restart files and since the pair coefficients
are not written to or read from restarts,
it doesn't matter as much.


lammps-pair-hybrid-fix.diff.gz (554 Bytes)

pair_hybrid.cpp.gz (5.9 KB)

Your patch is working well for me. I'll be using this a lot and will
let you know if I run into anything odd.
Thank you Axel!


this will be in the next patch - good fix
Axel - I don't think the call to build_styles()
is necessary for restarting, so I deleted that
