Dear all,
there are five elements in my model, Co Cr Fe Ni Al
I have two potential files:
- FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy 2.Ni-Al-Cr.eam.fs
And I wanna use the first potential file to describe Co-Cr, Co-Fe, Co-Ni, Co-Al, Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni, and Fe-Al interactions.
And the second file to describe Cr-Ni-Al interaction
so I wrote the code:
pair_style hybrid eam/fs eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * eam/fs Ni-Al-Cr.eam.fs NULL Cr NULL Ni Al
pair_coeff 1 2* 5 FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy
pair_coeff 2 3 FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy
pair_coeff 3 4*5 FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy
and there is an error:
ERROR: Pair coeff for hybrid has invalid style: FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy (…/pair_hybrid.cpp:500)
Last command: pair_coeff 1 2*5 FeNiCrCoAl.eam.alloy
can anyone give me som advise to solve this?